Preparing Fields for Play

NSPL Coaches:

To prepare your field for play, the procedures listed below are suggested for the "home" coaches.

All equipment can be found at Troop field either in the shed's by the fields or the storage shed behind the concession stand.

1. Two coaches from the "home" team should arrive at least 30 minutes earlier than they otherwise would (15 minutes for Minor and below).
2. Obtain a rake and/or the "dirt-dragger" (that can be pulled by rope) to smooth out the infield, in particular, around the bases, mound and home plate area. Field should have been dragged by team prior, but it is not always done.
3. Check the measurements from the back of home plate to the mound and to the bases to make sure they are appropriate for your division (these distances can be found on the tab for your division on the website). If incorrect, adjust the mound/bases to the proper distance. There should be plugs in the ground at the proper change the plugs from the incorrect holes to the correct holes. If all else fails, you may have to use temporary bases and/or mound.
4. If any craters have formed (at the mound, home plate or elsewhere), please locate a shovel, wheelbarrow (or trash can) and the dirt pile and fill in any craters. If an area is wet, use a rake and maybe spread some "Diamond Dry" (found in shed) on the affected area.
5. Locate a bag of white chalk from the shed and the field "line maker". Fill the line-maker with chalk.
6. Locate the rectangular batter's box frame and lay it on the loose dirt on each side of home plate to create an impression, (do not step on it) and then take it away. Then use the line-maker to put chalk down on the lines formed by the impression.
7. Use the string (with the steel stake at one end) to lay down the foul line from home plate to the grass beyond the base. Use the line-maker to lay down the chalk.
8. Use the circle leash that connects to the liner to make a circle around the mound (the pitchers circle) and use the line-maker to lay down the chalk.
9. Obtain a broom from shed and brush off home plate, the mound and the bases.
10. Put all equipment away and you are there!

The "Visiting" coaches should rake/drag the fields after the game.

Both Coaches should be responsible for disposing of any trash in their dugouts, on the field or in the stands.

Thank you!