In-house Recreation League

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The purpose of the Tball and Rookie divisions is to give players as young as 4 an opportunity to learn the game of softball. The players are assigned to their teams by the division head. Players may request one teammate, however, please note requests are not guaranteed. Mutual requests are much easier to honor while stacking requests will not be honored.

In Tball there are no outs and the score is not kept.  All players in the lineup will bat every inning.  

The Rookie division is coach pitch and strikes/balls/outs are called.  The score is kept but there are no standings or playoffs. 


Minors is a competitive yet fun and supportive environment. Players are assigned to teams by the division head in order to keep the teams as balanced as possible.  Teammate requests are not considered.

Standings are kept throughout the season, but there are no playoffs. The emphasis is on player development and having fun, not winning. This division is NOT coach pitch. Every batter will be hitting from player-pitching


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Majors, Juniors and Seniors play softball in a competitive yet fun and supportive environment. Players attend pre-season evaluations and are assigned to their teams via a draft. Teammate requests are not considered.

Games are more competitive with advanced rules being introduced at each stage. As with all divisions, each player is required to play a minimum number of innings and the batting lineup is in running order.


For all divisions: Players must play in the division according to their age. Players will not be allowed to "play-down" in a lower division. Prior evaluation and board approval is MANDATORY to be considered to "play-up". Ages are as of 8/31.